The lower half of that view is about what my neck of woods has looked like since August, what with this drought we’re having. Again. Third major drought we’ve had since 2007. And cruelly, around the anniversary of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge going up in flames, partly due to a pair of deliquent teenagers who were playing with matches up in the Smoky Mountains, and literally got away with murder (yes, even though lives were lost because of those fires, they were found not guilty).
A question for anyone who actually knows: In real life, would it be standard operating procedure for the newbie tandem jumpers to get hooked up to their instructors before the door opens?
Note: If today’s strip departs from strict realism on this point, I don’t mean to tear Greg a new one over it. I’m just curious. I also don’t mean to imply that such an inconsistency is reason to believe that what we’re seeing is Luann’s fantasy and that (as some are predicting) it’s really Frank who’s doing the jump.
I think I would rather try ziplining first, but I’m cheering for you, Luann. I was told today that skydiving is 15,000 feet and above and that few do it, so is this called something else?
Luann:1. Go for it.2. Drop all your so-called “friends.”3. Take the course for solo jumping.4. Take flying classes.5. Make new friends at the airfield.6. Scratch all this. Don’t do what others tell you to do (including yours truly). Do what you feel like doing. 7. Be awesome.
This reminds me of a joke. A paratrooper was about to jump and his sergeant gave him a tip. “If your parachute doesn’t open, ask Buddha to save you!”
He jumped and the parachute wouldn’t open, so he yelled “SAVE ME, BUDDHA!” A giant hand came out of nowhere and caught him. Then he said “Thank god!” and it dropped him!
I like the change of perspective in the drawing. It puts you aboard as the observer. Luann is the main character, the arc is her experience and there’s no wimpy Gunther or annoying Tara creeping in to distract and detract from Luann’s adventure.
I like the “Straight Line” punctuation on Luann’s face. It is a faint smile? It is confident. Can she see through her “Blank Zero” punctuation glasses. Obviously she is Blue Skying it, but focused, not airheaded. She could have on Google Glasses. Greg is really very subtle when he is not being un-subtle. Minimalist monologue. Really gettting into her thoughts. They’re not deep thoughts, just Stream of Consciousness. A “serious” installment but light, bereft of drama, she is still sailing smoothly. There are other details I have not pored over. Like, Clouds. Are the clouds saying anything? Did I see any? I don’t remember. She is Looking at Clouds from Both Sides Now. Am I just interpreting Dylan? The Joker? Am I a Choking Smoker? Is it Dylan interpreting the Beatles interpreting Dylan. Am I a butterfly dreaming I am Confusion dreaming I am a Butterfly. Is this just Confusion? Am I manic. It is Four Fifty “F” Three in the I Yam what I Yam. Tell me why I cry? One thing I am fairly sure of. This will continue this rich vein of Not Everything Is A Joke. There are many here among us who feel that Life is But A Joke. Then, I predict some light moments. You don’t have to do a lot of slapstick when you are falling through the air at terminal velocity like a safe falling to the sidewalk or a concert grand piano falling a mile to the floor of the Grand Canyon. She isn’t Wiley Coyote on top of the piano, oblivious as he plummets silently to the infinity of cartoon non-death due to indestructibility. Like all teens into young adulthood, Luann is immortal Can’t lose her parachute and not be saved by a Deus Ex Machina. This is real physics, more or less. Clouds float. People don’t I wouldn’t be surprised to see a strip about someone dying, but Spoiler Alert: Greg is not going to kill some main character at random Knute will not recieve Narcan and turn blue and fade away. It would be a side character. An old teacher. It is okay to kill teach.
Terminal velocity. The velocity which the drag of the air around you creates a force equal to the force created by gravity on your mess. Doesn’t really mean velocity what you terminate or die — not normally, anyway.
It is a shame what Luann has to do to satisfy the readers who thinks she’s gotten boring.
Live2Read: I think she’s done things. If this is a dream, it is a dream of a dream, but one you wake up from before you hit the ground. I’ve come pretty durn close and my heart was in my mouth when I woke up. I’m afraid of the old skydreamer diver’s tale that if you hit the ground You Die.
Argy3: Ooh, Tish. I love it when you use French words like Colorist. I think that was intentional. Wowzers. This isn’t just pink Bubblegum music. Not that there’s anything wrong with “Yummy Yummy.” That was a deep meaning song. In an Airhead way.
Dorothy Glenn: Why isn’t my Reply feature working write? Do I need a new MacAir after only 6 or 7 years? Or should I just keep closing Safari and/or rebooting. Hmm, New Mac or New Transmission. So many choices, so few inheritances.
Anyway where were we? “Maybe the doors will open.” Yes, and I hope they aren’t slapstick opening doors like for Slim Pickens in the last scene from Dr. Strangelove, riding an A-bomb to glorious, ecstatic oblivion. Kind of like what is going on in the Non-Comic world. “Yeeeee-hah! Yip yip yip ki-yay!” Thanks, Kubrick, the Stanley Downer of the World.
Argy3 Yes. Literally. It is called a “Close Reading.” Like pointing out continuity errors in a classic movie, “Oh, there is someone in a Roman Soldier costume sipping a cup of coffee in frame million-and-three.” Or, in “Truman”, he is ambivalent. Not only that, there is a character arc in “Catcher.” Or, perhaps, Argy3 they are just enjoying the strip and the many details hidden and obvious, and the details not there and not obvious, or the backstory seems prismatic. That/those/them kind of person(s). At least they live for reading.
I like how epic Luann’s text sound, it fits the panel si well and she looks so cool! Everything is put as something that will change Luann forever and it’s amazing. Maybe I’m exaggerating because for years I’ve wanted to see her with greater self-esteem, try new things that make her happy and be more determined in taking risks. But I really love this. Writing seems like something Luann is really good at. I wonder if she’ll read this report in Mrs Horner’s class and if Tara and Piro will be there to listen. They didn’t go with her. But without them, she never would have tried it.
In a bit of irony, my late FIL loved Luann. I was thrilled when I found out we both followed the strip. Now, with the exception of my Husband, all the Men in his family are pilots. I was going to share yesterday’s strip in his memory. Then I remembered, that I’m also FB friends with Dad’s nephew. (also a pilot) However, nephew’s Father, (Dad’s brother) was killed when skydiving. He jumped and his shoot didn’t open. True story! Today’s strip is beautiful. The countryside below and the look on Luann’s face. She seems a little “too” calm for the Luann we know and love.
I am surprised at the comments here, because I don’t find this Luann series to be entertaining AT ALL. I simply don’t care that Luann is skydiving, and can’t figure out why I’m supposed to. Wake me when it’s over.
When I was a Bluebird one of the girl’s dad had a plane and he took us up in it and we flew over Eugene, could see my house and backyard! We all thought it was so cool!
The creative tension is clearly “in the air.” Is it Frank or Lu? I think them both but at different times. I think that because the drawing includes her prose, which is good, descriptive, exciting, expectation clearly expressed. Plus the two-panel set-up itself, showing Lu with a determined looking demeanor, her view, out the plane, and that blonde hair very prominent. No, to me all indications are she is jumping.
I wonder if Greg and(or) Karen went skydiving like this? And you won’t fall at 120 mph, on average, because you’ll start (not counting the horizontal speed vector from traveling in the plane) at 0 and have to accelerate at a rate of roughly 32 feet per second squared (minus some due to atmospheric drag). Given that the two of you are wearing loose flight suits and will be falling with your arms and legs spread out, and several other considerations, you might not even hit that high of a speed.
It would appear that the whole week is likely to be in this platitudinous style. It takes one who has really lived through something to write about it poetically. The real jumper was Greg.
OK, a nitpick: Luann should be helmeted, at this stage of the adventure. It’s only Tuesday. The wind in the hair thing is admirably attempted today, but limited by goggles and hairstyle. Tomorrow sees the brain bucket emerge.
When I made my first jump at Airborne school, I was heard to exclaim OOOoooEEeee. Which was quite tame compared to some of the exclamations I heard. One poor guy simply screamed the whole way down. He got washed after he landed.
I love freefall, it feels like you are flying and have an almost magical ability to do anything a hummingbird can do plus much more. I wish the jumps were longer.
LOVE THESE! The narratives and colors are wonderful! The landscape in today’s strip is beautifully drawn! I like that Luann’s expression is confident because they could have easily gone a different direction and drawn her as comically distressed. This is fantastic!
When I did this, it was before the days of tandem jumps. I did static line, where it opens the chute for you. Our plane had no seats, and no door. We sat in the order we would jump against the from bulkhead, between each others legs. I was first, so I was the closest to the door. I remember thinking as we took off, “If I fall out here, the cute isn’t going to help!”
To those “folks” that complained bitterly about having to BUY a “novella” from Greg and Karen this past Summer?
Well, the Evans Crew are giving You guys a mini novella for FREE this week.
So, Merry Christmas to ya’ll.
As for Me, I have My SIGNED copy of the road trip Novella in a prominent place on My bookshelf next to My cherished collections of Liberty Meadows books and Budd Root’s __Cavewoman._ ;-)
So she got warnings, rules, and tips. This implies that she really did get the necessary course before a jump would even be allowed. So when did it happen?
You put your hands OUTSIDE the open door. If you put them INSIDE the door, you won’t go out. I think I read that in S.L.A. Marshall’s “Dropzone Normandy.” Great book.
Looking at an art that is drawn different from Greg’s normal illustrations led me to be suspicious. Is this Luann’s creative writing exercise imaging what it’d be like to skydive? Guess we’ll find out.
I’m looking at her mouth. She will jump. She never takes chances on things that don’t matter. Time has come to do it. Besides – it’s a tandem jump. You have an expert attached to your back.
I just had a horrible thought. What if this is one of those dream sequences and on Saturday we see Luann waking up and Frank jumping out of the plane? I would be really disappointed.
For everyone who still thinks this is Frank doing the jump, here are a few points to keep in mind:
1. Just because Frank showed enthusiasm for skydiving doesn’t mean he will do it. How many times have we shown enthusiasm for something, only to not actually do it? Exactly.
2. Constantly asserting that Frank is doing the skydiving completely takes away from Luann’s own experience.
3. Luann has never really done anything daring before (save for the camping trip she took with Bernice and Dez that turned out to be a total disaster), and this skydiving is an important moment for her. Because it is, Greg and Karen chose to present her dialogue in the way they did. She is not writing an essay—at least not yet. If she was writing the essay right now, she’d be writing it in the past tense. If you look closely, you’ll see that her internal dialogue is written in the present tense.
While I’m at it, I might as well present a final point: if any of you making this ridiculous claim think you can do a better job on this strip than either Greg or Karen, then apply.
I think we are getting to watch the jump and read the esaay at the same time. The essay was written later, but in present tense. It’s more powerful that way. Why do we get to watch two things that happened at different times (jumping and writing) at the same time? Comic strip magic, and very well done. A+ on this one so far.
It’s so great that Luann is doing this on her own (inciteful move on G&K’s part to have Tara & Piro pull out) where it allows her to ponder and think about the magnitude of what she is doing which she would later put into writing, instead of having to listen to Frank’s chatter, Tara’s comments.
The one thing I learned in my brief Air Force career is that one should never leave a perfectly good aircraft, under any circumstances. They are designed to fly; you are not.
If you are doing a HALO jump you fall at about 225 mph until you stabilize at 120 on lower, denser air, usually starting at about 12k feet. Scary the first time when done over the ocean at night.
lvlax about 1 year ago
WOW! I think I can see my house from there! ;)
Well, I’m pretty sure this is all a creative writing fantasy and we’ll find out Frank is the one who really jumped.
For those who think Luann is actually going through with it.. How do you explain the different helmets and colors etc.?
beb01 about 1 year ago
Seems like Greg has been up in the air once or twice. Nice art. Karen is doing a good job with Luann’s essay.
Tyge about 1 year ago
Pretty good prose, Luann.
J. Scarbrough about 1 year ago
The lower half of that view is about what my neck of woods has looked like since August, what with this drought we’re having. Again. Third major drought we’ve had since 2007. And cruelly, around the anniversary of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge going up in flames, partly due to a pair of deliquent teenagers who were playing with matches up in the Smoky Mountains, and literally got away with murder (yes, even though lives were lost because of those fires, they were found not guilty).
diazch408 about 1 year ago
She is proving to be a good writer.
outonalimb about 1 year ago
A question for anyone who actually knows: In real life, would it be standard operating procedure for the newbie tandem jumpers to get hooked up to their instructors before the door opens?
Note: If today’s strip departs from strict realism on this point, I don’t mean to tear Greg a new one over it. I’m just curious. I also don’t mean to imply that such an inconsistency is reason to believe that what we’re seeing is Luann’s fantasy and that (as some are predicting) it’s really Frank who’s doing the jump.
alasko about 1 year ago
Luann fantasy dream, she passes out before getting into the plane?
Rhetorical_Question about 1 year ago
Page 2 !
kenhense about 1 year ago
Lu looks like she’s enjoying this. I couldn’t look out there and then go for it.
ronaldspence about 1 year ago
it really is worth doing…good job Luann
Joe1962 about 1 year ago
Lu this your time to prove so many people wrong pull that ripcord girl.
Willow Mt Lyon about 1 year ago
I think I would rather try ziplining first, but I’m cheering for you, Luann. I was told today that skydiving is 15,000 feet and above and that few do it, so is this called something else?
lrrodrigpr about 1 year ago
Luann:1. Go for it.2. Drop all your so-called “friends.”3. Take the course for solo jumping.4. Take flying classes.5. Make new friends at the airfield.6. Scratch all this. Don’t do what others tell you to do (including yours truly). Do what you feel like doing. 7. Be awesome.
Argythree about 1 year ago
Her world is opening up – she understands she has so many more choices in life than she thought she had…
pscyclepath about 1 year ago
Colors are consistent here online; looks like Luann is really doing this… Good gal!!
pscyclepath about 1 year ago
GeorgeInAZ about 1 year ago
Stand up…hook up…stand in the door!
Wilde Bill about 1 year ago
She is a lot calmer than I would be… assuming she is actually doing it.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 1 year ago
I will not believe she actually did this until I see her land. This is just the essay she is writing. Her Dad is up in that plane.
Robin Harwood about 1 year ago
This is actually interesting.
darkwingdave about 1 year ago
Interesting that a first time ‘jumper’ is going completely solo and not tandem.
Johnny Q Premium Member about 1 year ago
This reminds me of a joke. A paratrooper was about to jump and his sergeant gave him a tip. “If your parachute doesn’t open, ask Buddha to save you!”
He jumped and the parachute wouldn’t open, so he yelled “SAVE ME, BUDDHA!” A giant hand came out of nowhere and caught him. Then he said “Thank god!” and it dropped him!
Caldonia about 1 year ago
Cliche city
kiwannabee about 1 year ago
Well this is much better than Bets and her travel blog.
nightflight about 1 year ago
I like the change of perspective in the drawing. It puts you aboard as the observer. Luann is the main character, the arc is her experience and there’s no wimpy Gunther or annoying Tara creeping in to distract and detract from Luann’s adventure.
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member about 1 year ago
If Nancy was writing this, she’d express guilt that her plane ride is contributing to climate change.
TSR1964 about 1 year ago
Luanne is letting us see a glimpse of her creative writing story. This is totally fiction
snsurone76 about 1 year ago
Luann is about to conquer the world—that is, before it conquers her!!
BTW, very good rendering of the landscape.
AmazingMrWonderful about 1 year ago
At first I thought that this is where the strip ends (her chute doesn’t open, etc.). However, first-time jumps are done in tandem.
Troglodyte about 1 year ago
Nice knowin’ ya, Luann! :D
Wilkins068 about 1 year ago
Frank comes over by th open door to look out an trips on Luann’s foot causin him to fall out. Frank’s tandem partner jumps out to try to catch him
Tomorrow’s episode:
Willy Makeit or Betty Wont
Fulon Hill about 1 year ago
I like the “Straight Line” punctuation on Luann’s face. It is a faint smile? It is confident. Can she see through her “Blank Zero” punctuation glasses. Obviously she is Blue Skying it, but focused, not airheaded. She could have on Google Glasses. Greg is really very subtle when he is not being un-subtle. Minimalist monologue. Really gettting into her thoughts. They’re not deep thoughts, just Stream of Consciousness. A “serious” installment but light, bereft of drama, she is still sailing smoothly. There are other details I have not pored over. Like, Clouds. Are the clouds saying anything? Did I see any? I don’t remember. She is Looking at Clouds from Both Sides Now. Am I just interpreting Dylan? The Joker? Am I a Choking Smoker? Is it Dylan interpreting the Beatles interpreting Dylan. Am I a butterfly dreaming I am Confusion dreaming I am a Butterfly. Is this just Confusion? Am I manic. It is Four Fifty “F” Three in the I Yam what I Yam. Tell me why I cry? One thing I am fairly sure of. This will continue this rich vein of Not Everything Is A Joke. There are many here among us who feel that Life is But A Joke. Then, I predict some light moments. You don’t have to do a lot of slapstick when you are falling through the air at terminal velocity like a safe falling to the sidewalk or a concert grand piano falling a mile to the floor of the Grand Canyon. She isn’t Wiley Coyote on top of the piano, oblivious as he plummets silently to the infinity of cartoon non-death due to indestructibility. Like all teens into young adulthood, Luann is immortal Can’t lose her parachute and not be saved by a Deus Ex Machina. This is real physics, more or less. Clouds float. People don’t I wouldn’t be surprised to see a strip about someone dying, but Spoiler Alert: Greg is not going to kill some main character at random Knute will not recieve Narcan and turn blue and fade away. It would be a side character. An old teacher. It is okay to kill teach.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 1 year ago
Terminal velocity. The velocity which the drag of the air around you creates a force equal to the force created by gravity on your mess. Doesn’t really mean velocity what you terminate or die — not normally, anyway.
It is a shame what Luann has to do to satisfy the readers who thinks she’s gotten boring.
Fulon Hill about 1 year ago
Live2Read: I think she’s done things. If this is a dream, it is a dream of a dream, but one you wake up from before you hit the ground. I’ve come pretty durn close and my heart was in my mouth when I woke up. I’m afraid of the old skydreamer diver’s tale that if you hit the ground You Die.
Fulon Hill about 1 year ago
Argy3: Ooh, Tish. I love it when you use French words like Colorist. I think that was intentional. Wowzers. This isn’t just pink Bubblegum music. Not that there’s anything wrong with “Yummy Yummy.” That was a deep meaning song. In an Airhead way.
Fulon Hill about 1 year ago
dmclark: So you are saying it is Postmodernist. Very cool. Me 3.
Fulon Hill about 1 year ago
Dorothy Glenn: Why isn’t my Reply feature working write? Do I need a new MacAir after only 6 or 7 years? Or should I just keep closing Safari and/or rebooting. Hmm, New Mac or New Transmission. So many choices, so few inheritances.
Anyway where were we? “Maybe the doors will open.” Yes, and I hope they aren’t slapstick opening doors like for Slim Pickens in the last scene from Dr. Strangelove, riding an A-bomb to glorious, ecstatic oblivion. Kind of like what is going on in the Non-Comic world. “Yeeeee-hah! Yip yip yip ki-yay!” Thanks, Kubrick, the Stanley Downer of the World.
jtw1 about 1 year ago
And then, because she got so excited: and had zero training, she leaped out the door without hooking up with her instructor…
Fulon Hill about 1 year ago
Argy3 Yes. Literally. It is called a “Close Reading.” Like pointing out continuity errors in a classic movie, “Oh, there is someone in a Roman Soldier costume sipping a cup of coffee in frame million-and-three.” Or, in “Truman”, he is ambivalent. Not only that, there is a character arc in “Catcher.” Or, perhaps, Argy3 they are just enjoying the strip and the many details hidden and obvious, and the details not there and not obvious, or the backstory seems prismatic. That/those/them kind of person(s). At least they live for reading.
dlkrueger33 about 1 year ago
Ellis97 about 1 year ago
You can do it, Luann!
sueb1863 about 1 year ago
“And I forget everything the instructor told me and break both of my legs.”
Aladar30 Premium Member about 1 year ago
I like how epic Luann’s text sound, it fits the panel si well and she looks so cool! Everything is put as something that will change Luann forever and it’s amazing. Maybe I’m exaggerating because for years I’ve wanted to see her with greater self-esteem, try new things that make her happy and be more determined in taking risks. But I really love this. Writing seems like something Luann is really good at. I wonder if she’ll read this report in Mrs Horner’s class and if Tara and Piro will be there to listen. They didn’t go with her. But without them, she never would have tried it.
bh05150 about 1 year ago
Anyone getting Snoopy’s “Red Barron” type vibes from this?
Stephanie Have one about 1 year ago
In a bit of irony, my late FIL loved Luann. I was thrilled when I found out we both followed the strip. Now, with the exception of my Husband, all the Men in his family are pilots. I was going to share yesterday’s strip in his memory. Then I remembered, that I’m also FB friends with Dad’s nephew. (also a pilot) However, nephew’s Father, (Dad’s brother) was killed when skydiving. He jumped and his shoot didn’t open. True story! Today’s strip is beautiful. The countryside below and the look on Luann’s face. She seems a little “too” calm for the Luann we know and love.
ewaldoh about 1 year ago
So it may be that the color of the jump suits designate instructors vs customers. Helmet may be optional if a personal item.
amadeus_rockme about 1 year ago
Is this the “jump the shark” moment for Luann?
chris_o42 about 1 year ago
I believe it’s Luann. She seems to be speaking and describing from FIRST-HAND experience, not recounting something someone told her.
Free or Not? Premium Member about 1 year ago
How to become a writer: EXPERIENCE LIFE!!!!
DawnQuinn1 about 1 year ago
Is she ever going to jump? lol
candomarty Premium Member about 1 year ago
I am surprised at the comments here, because I don’t find this Luann series to be entertaining AT ALL. I simply don’t care that Luann is skydiving, and can’t figure out why I’m supposed to. Wake me when it’s over.
kaycstamper about 1 year ago
When I was a Bluebird one of the girl’s dad had a plane and he took us up in it and we flew over Eugene, could see my house and backyard! We all thought it was so cool!
tiu about 1 year ago
I enlisted for the Paratroops and made my first jump June ’67. You never forget your first jump. Exhilarating.
ctolson about 1 year ago
Easy now LuAnn, don’t get too excited and jump before your harness is hooked to the master jumper’s.
luann1212 about 1 year ago
The creative tension is clearly “in the air.” Is it Frank or Lu? I think them both but at different times. I think that because the drawing includes her prose, which is good, descriptive, exciting, expectation clearly expressed. Plus the two-panel set-up itself, showing Lu with a determined looking demeanor, her view, out the plane, and that blonde hair very prominent. No, to me all indications are she is jumping.
DaBump Premium Member about 1 year ago
I wonder if Greg and(or) Karen went skydiving like this? And you won’t fall at 120 mph, on average, because you’ll start (not counting the horizontal speed vector from traveling in the plane) at 0 and have to accelerate at a rate of roughly 32 feet per second squared (minus some due to atmospheric drag). Given that the two of you are wearing loose flight suits and will be falling with your arms and legs spread out, and several other considerations, you might not even hit that high of a speed.
A.Ficionada about 1 year ago
I see farmland down there. Beautiful : )
Lord Hearteater about 1 year ago
It would appear that the whole week is likely to be in this platitudinous style. It takes one who has really lived through something to write about it poetically. The real jumper was Greg.
OK, a nitpick: Luann should be helmeted, at this stage of the adventure. It’s only Tuesday. The wind in the hair thing is admirably attempted today, but limited by goggles and hairstyle. Tomorrow sees the brain bucket emerge.
Just-me about 1 year ago
When I made my first jump at Airborne school, I was heard to exclaim OOOoooEEeee. Which was quite tame compared to some of the exclamations I heard. One poor guy simply screamed the whole way down. He got washed after he landed.
GregBehrens about 1 year ago
Having jumped once 50 years ago the story line is correct. Next one is “my last thought is let me back on this plane!!!”.
mr , b about 1 year ago
this is a tandem jump , instructor hooks on the back of the student .
BRBurns1960 about 1 year ago
I love freefall, it feels like you are flying and have an almost magical ability to do anything a hummingbird can do plus much more. I wish the jumps were longer.
timzsixty9 about 1 year ago
I, for one, hopes it really IS her, and that this will be a major turning point in her life!
mikenassour Premium Member about 1 year ago
comic reader 22 about 1 year ago
LOVE THESE! The narratives and colors are wonderful! The landscape in today’s strip is beautifully drawn! I like that Luann’s expression is confident because they could have easily gone a different direction and drawn her as comically distressed. This is fantastic!
Wubbie about 1 year ago
She jumps, but the instructor’s chute doesn’t open. Fortunately, they fall into the recycle pile behind a mattress factory.
Muneflauer about 1 year ago
Let her jump! Let her jump!
Camiyami Premium Member about 1 year ago
Hmmm this is pretty exciting! I like how poetic it has been. You go Luann!
mindjob about 1 year ago
Will she need a push?
tcayer about 1 year ago
When I did this, it was before the days of tandem jumps. I did static line, where it opens the chute for you. Our plane had no seats, and no door. We sat in the order we would jump against the from bulkhead, between each others legs. I was first, so I was the closest to the door. I remember thinking as we took off, “If I fall out here, the cute isn’t going to help!”
tremaine53 about 1 year ago
There’s nothing like that first step…
pripley about 1 year ago
Is this possibly a tribute to another comic strip, like Steve Canyon or something? It’s definitely in a different style.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 1 year ago
To those “folks” that complained bitterly about having to BUY a “novella” from Greg and Karen this past Summer?
Well, the Evans Crew are giving You guys a mini novella for FREE this week.
So, Merry Christmas to ya’ll.
As for Me, I have My SIGNED copy of the road trip Novella in a prominent place on My bookshelf next to My cherished collections of Liberty Meadows books and Budd Root’s __Cavewoman._ ;-)
ncorgbl about 1 year ago
“Two things fall from the sky, bird stuff and idiots.”
Angry Indeed Premium Member about 1 year ago
If she can remember her thoughts, she’ll ace her writing class for sure.
Dennis Egan Premium Member about 1 year ago
I did this once, it’s about right, nicely done…
BradFilippone about 1 year ago
So she got warnings, rules, and tips. This implies that she really did get the necessary course before a jump would even be allowed. So when did it happen?
phileaux about 1 year ago
Dig the landscape art
locake about 1 year ago
I think there is a reason we saw a big sign on Friday that said Transfer Credits Allowed.
Tetonbil about 1 year ago
“Might as well, JUMP” Great artwork today guys! I see this as a great chance for Lu to break out of this high school drama novella.
Eliezer about 1 year ago
Very lyrical today. Thanks!
Rich Douglas about 1 year ago
The landscape is reminiscent of Stupendous Man’s adventures or when Spaceman Spiff is making a landing. Nice.
Kiwiwriter47 about 1 year ago
You put your hands OUTSIDE the open door. If you put them INSIDE the door, you won’t go out. I think I read that in S.L.A. Marshall’s “Dropzone Normandy.” Great book.
The Pro from Dover about 1 year ago
And then the door opens to the strains of I Am Woman hear me roar
Quentin1992 about 1 year ago
I hope it’s not a dream and she actually goes through with it.
dbradway1 about 1 year ago
Go, go, go Luann. Fly free!!!!!!!!!!!! But remember to put on your helmet.
donwestonmysteries about 1 year ago
dbradway1 about 1 year ago
Please, Greg, don’t do anything cute with this arc. Let Luann enjoy her moment of triumph and joy.
up2trixx about 1 year ago
If I ever jump out of a plane it’ll only be because the pilot jumped first
Back to Big Mike about 1 year ago
Go Luann, GO!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 1 year ago
The Quiet One about 1 year ago
Luann may have a career as an author.
jr1234 about 1 year ago
B UTTONS about 1 year ago
… then I wondered, why am I jumping out of a fully functioning plane?
Susan123 about 1 year ago
I think she will make the jump and her parents and her friends will be waiting for her.
jojo318 about 1 year ago
How are Frank and Nancy not there to watch?
Rockabore about 1 year ago
If the fall don’t kill me the purple prose will!
raybarb44 about 1 year ago
No way is she doing a solo jump without training. Took a week worth of training just to know how to land right. Even then. Good luck……
9thCapricorn about 1 year ago
Looking at an art that is drawn different from Greg’s normal illustrations led me to be suspicious. Is this Luann’s creative writing exercise imaging what it’d be like to skydive? Guess we’ll find out.
Chuck374 about 1 year ago
I’m looking at her mouth. She will jump. She never takes chances on things that don’t matter. Time has come to do it. Besides – it’s a tandem jump. You have an expert attached to your back.
comic reader 22 about 1 year ago
I just had a horrible thought. What if this is one of those dream sequences and on Saturday we see Luann waking up and Frank jumping out of the plane? I would be really disappointed.
Doctor Go about 1 year ago
Okay, now I’m reminded of Where Eagles Dare (1968):
Pilot: “We’re approaching the drop zone…”Jump officer: “Green on GO!!!”"
live2read about 1 year ago
For everyone who still thinks this is Frank doing the jump, here are a few points to keep in mind:
1. Just because Frank showed enthusiasm for skydiving doesn’t mean he will do it. How many times have we shown enthusiasm for something, only to not actually do it? Exactly.
2. Constantly asserting that Frank is doing the skydiving completely takes away from Luann’s own experience.
3. Luann has never really done anything daring before (save for the camping trip she took with Bernice and Dez that turned out to be a total disaster), and this skydiving is an important moment for her. Because it is, Greg and Karen chose to present her dialogue in the way they did. She is not writing an essay—at least not yet. If she was writing the essay right now, she’d be writing it in the past tense. If you look closely, you’ll see that her internal dialogue is written in the present tense.
While I’m at it, I might as well present a final point: if any of you making this ridiculous claim think you can do a better job on this strip than either Greg or Karen, then apply.
Otherwise, just. stop. it.
Sweetlorrain about 1 year ago
One thing I will not do. Never broken a bone and I want to keep it that way…lol!
paldec about 1 year ago
I think we are getting to watch the jump and read the esaay at the same time. The essay was written later, but in present tense. It’s more powerful that way. Why do we get to watch two things that happened at different times (jumping and writing) at the same time? Comic strip magic, and very well done. A+ on this one so far.
Raymond Powell about 1 year ago
You go Luann,! You got this!
Lady Bri about 1 year ago
I think this is the most beautiful Luann strip I’ve ever seen. ❤ 50% chance she’ll jump. :)
RSH about 1 year ago
It’s so great that Luann is doing this on her own (inciteful move on G&K’s part to have Tara & Piro pull out) where it allows her to ponder and think about the magnitude of what she is doing which she would later put into writing, instead of having to listen to Frank’s chatter, Tara’s comments.
eced52 about 1 year ago
Next week Luann will start attending jump school. Not.
Tenax about 1 year ago
Nice narrative & beautifully drawn G&K and superbly colored @Sheriff Mordecai
wolfiiig about 1 year ago
Proud of you! Just remember ‘Geronimo’!
ACTIVIST1234 about 1 year ago
Now that we know it’s Luann and not Frank, they’re going to, like, put helmets on, right?
ACTIVIST1234 about 1 year ago
Question! Can people who need glasses skydive?
walt1968pat Premium Member about 1 year ago
Try jumping into a firefight.
Wilkins068 about 1 year ago
At th end of the week will Bobby be dead or alive?
No intention of hurting any cartoon characters here. Mainly a metaphor. Before anything gets started bout some one bein dead
Wubbie about 1 year ago
Falling at 180 mph? That plane only does about 120. But it can’t dive like that.
Dragoncat about 1 year ago
It’s like seeing so many infinite possibilities, and all it takes is one leap of faith to see where you’ll end up.
WilliamVollmer about 1 year ago
In any event, she should submit these entries to her creative writing class.
nightflight about 1 year ago
Heads up, crew. Bogey at 12 o’clock high. Looks like a little white beagle flying a red dog house. Be ready to take evasive action.
mistercatworks about 1 year ago
The one thing I learned in my brief Air Force career is that one should never leave a perfectly good aircraft, under any circumstances. They are designed to fly; you are not.
ScretWitch about 1 year ago
Nice! A tandem jump!
leighabc123 about 1 year ago
Where did Luann get the money to pay for this on a part time childcare worker salary?
eladee AKA Wally about 1 year ago
Karen’s doing some of her best writing here.
eddi-TBH about 1 year ago
Yoiks and away!
elliel203 about 1 year ago
I guess her life just needed to be in jeopardy to unlock her writing chops?
Sisyphos about 1 year ago
This is probably the best piece of utter fiction Luann has ever written for her class….
Is anyone really skydiving?
hawgowar about 1 year ago
If you are doing a HALO jump you fall at about 225 mph until you stabilize at 120 on lower, denser air, usually starting at about 12k feet. Scary the first time when done over the ocean at night.